The national exam of this year is drawing closer and closer; and the students’ stress is getting harder and harder. It’s clearly fathomable to experience such a feeling- dear students, as there are two kinds of stress: positive and negative. The negative one leads really to confusion and thus to bad performance. Whereas, the second is much better and understandably leads to success. It’s a symbol of seriousness and responsibility. You can easily notice how stressed the athletes are before a competition. Do you think Hicham ElGuerrouj would have won and got his renowned universal reputation without feeling so stressed before running?
You would surely affirm: No. Consequently, feeling so stressed is not a sign of surrender but certainly an impetus for high scoring and achievement.
Until another recommendation, ENJOY your stress.
Next time I’m going to highlight some techniques and strategies that may be of help on the day of the exam. I’ll be happy to see your comments
mahmoud boudour
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