Home»Jeunes talents»The palm tree

The palm tree


Not only your height is high

Even your birth is from away

No hardship ends your being

You survive yet other’re dying

In climates once rough once fit

Across chill and atrocious heat

Accompanying the man in life

Your existence makes his safe

Providing him with many aims

Eating your fruit, using flames

Roofing his home with your woods

Then taking your dates as goods

The gains you offer him are many

And the care you task him is tinny

Your nice dates adorn royal plates

Your shape gives inspiration to poets

It’s thanks to you he crosses desert

Only desert that lacks you is desert

The place you‘re is pleasant and safe

Once you wane we feel a deep grief

The Koran and Gospel said you grace

When we miss you none can replace

So we have to help you to cross crisis

Living your value in people sight rises

So that this universal festival is made

Come to Arfoud to witness this grade

And thank God for this obvious favor

To bestow his boons on you forever

I’m the poet of the king of this realm

A realm, living in his rule in freedom

In a secure atmosphere that is rare

May God assist him to go on prosper

Mohammad six symbol of our glory

The crown prince who honors history

Filling our existence with great pride

Going towards success in wide stride


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