Get students involved and they learn.
It goes without saying that as teachers of English, we face similar challenges due to the very nature of schools environment.It remains true, however, we can do with whatever is available within the school and never to give up. So far as classroom practices are concerned, most teachers have seen the reaction of students to tasks and activities that they don’t find interesting, the unfocused behaviour and the cries of « NOT AGAIN! » As teachers, I do believe that the best way to get students involved is through project work and we are supposed to encourage them to engage in such activities.It’s only through a project work that we can activate materials and tasks related to topics, dealt with in a given unit By doing so, we can tap into students’ needs and interests.A project work makes materials more interactive, more learned centered, encouraging students to take more responsibility for their own learning.Let’s activate techniques that focus on keeping them involved and allow them an opportunity to DO and PRODUCE rather than passively receive information. Don’t we say, students LEARN BY DOING. By the way, do you enjoy riddles?. What does the little hand on the clock say to the big hand on the clock? GUESS. It says » SEE YOU IN AN HOUR » Mr BOUSOUAR says to you see you seen with more of last year as well as this year’s projects.
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