During centuries women were the symbol of beauty and simplicity, they even represented for some civilizations holly goddesses, like Aphrodite who was also known to the Romans as Venus. People for ages worshiped beauty with every single meaning of the word, they were picturing it in every artistic work they produced, we have for example the MONA-LISA painted by LEONARDO DA VINCI, it is a special picture of beauty, the portrait has been written about and discussed in countless books and publications, just because it stems from the depth, so, here we conclude that beauty is something very profound, it has to be real and pure to be admired, and it must come from our hearts before our faces.
If you look in the dictionary for the sense of the word beauty, you’ll find that it is “a quality or feature that is most effective, gratifying, or telling for women describing their inside or outside feature”, and from that meaning we end with the idea that this characteristic is including the beauty of mind not only the physical appearance.
The definition of beauty has changed over the past centuries. The effect it has on women now is significant. Today, women feel the need to present themselves as beautiful in order to get the respect they deserve or at least that what they think. Women show this kind of behavior almost unconsciously, they can do whatever it takes to look gorgeous and attractive just to be noticed.
And if we look back in time we’ll find that women were sign of beauty, because they were simple and natural, but nowadays, women don’t respect this bless given to them by Allah, they destroy it sometimes by using a lot of cosmetics, and actually it harms the skin rather than it repair it, because it’s made with chemical ingredients that can directly hurt their skins, thus, why don’t we give up on cosmetics and don’t misuse it?
So, for women all over the world, please take this advice from me and think twice before you touch your cosmetics again, because maybe it makes you look pretty today, but after five or six years, it’ll make you appear an old and ugly woman, especially if you’re in the period of adolescence. So, always remember that “Natural is beautiful”
thanks for the article.
if you don’t mind, i have two corrections: one is « holy » (meaning sacred) with one « l » not double. two is the word « bless », it is a verb not a noun. blessing is the noun.
thank you
Well,first I thank Rajae for taking the initiative to write in English then I also thank her for this interesting topic.Although it is female concern rather than male concern,I find it worth commenting.What miss Rajae said about cosmetics is certainly quite interesting.As a father I advise mothers and fathers to take the problem seriously and educate their daughters in a sense to avoid using cosmetics.The problem I’d like to draw fathers attention to is that of boys making up .A lot of boys imitate some foreign singers or artists ,the way they are dressed ,the way their hair is combed or cut….Cosmetics certainly can cause a lot of damage to both sexes.Teenagers are always the victims.Unfortunately no one speaks about the problem.It’s high time parents took serious measures about the situation.Teachers also at school should not remain cross-handed, they have to act.They can explain how harmful these cosmetics are to health.Such compaigns are necessary at schools to help teenagers be aware of the drawbacks of making up and using cosmetics.I just want to add something,it’s about the quality of cosmetics,rarely are those who use expensive ones and the majority of girls and women certainly can not afford them so they use bad quality. I say in the end ,Prevention is better than cure,because some cheap cosmetics can cause serious damage to the skin and to hair.Be attached to the beauty of the heart rather than the beauty of the appearances,the first is forever but the second is for a wink.
In the end I would like to invite English teachers and students and all those who can write in English to write on Oujdacity, especially students ,it is a way to improve their English. Oujdacity in no more local, people all over the world can take part and send their comments or their articals.
Thanks a lot Rajae, let me first congratulate the countryside Moroccan Woman for her holy resistance towards all aspects of fake ingredients of civilization and her conservative belonging to the Islamic principals. Just would like to say that being a natural feminine is the purest and strongest point in woman’s life. Unfortunately, nowadays we think all that glitter is gold forgetting that simplicity is beauty and it is hard to be simple. Thanks again Rajae
as a matter of fact beauty is not female concern but it concerns women as well as men then I agree with you nothing is as beautiful as things in their natura situation. sorry if you don’t find my english as good as you hoppe.
your English is perfect!